Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

It's Maya's first Halloween, and it was sooooo hard to pick out a costume for her. There were so many cute options, but the hat on her Princess Leia costume was what made it the winner. That and the fact that Pete is a HUGE sci-fi nerd and loves Star Wars.

Pete and I went to a Halloween party last night while a friend babysat Maya. Pete didn't have a costume this year, and he didn't want to wear one of his old costumes. I insisted he have some sort of costume, so he agreed to go as the popular internet social site, Facebook. I wrote the word "book" on his face! I stole that idea from the TV show The Office. I had been planning to be Professor Trelawney, the divination teacher from Harry Potter, so my costume was all set!

Our friends Kyle and Meghan had the coolest costumes! Megan made "Wild Things" costumes for the two of them. They were super-shaggy, and had claws and huge wild things masks on sticks. It was pretty amazing. Everyone had cool costumes, but if I was the judge, they would have won the blue ribbon, for sure!