Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Run for the Zoo?

I've been thinking about the awesome cottage cheese that has materialized on my thighs, and trying to think of something I can do to motivate me to remove said cheese. After perusing the interweb for local events coming up this spring and summer, I found the Albuquerque Biopark is holding a "Run for the Zoo" fundraising event this May.

I'm thinking about signing up for the 5K, and definitely getting off my bootie and doing some running to prepare for it. I know it's only three miles, but I'd only have a couple months post-baby to prepare for it, and I haven't actually really run since I left the military way back when. I am SERIOUSLY out of shape. Pete's been complaining that he's getting chunky in the middle (more to love, I say!) so I think he'll be down to participate as well. I may even form a team of friends to do it with me. I know a few ladies who would probably be interested.

I wouldn't really worry about the extra butt if I was 25 and pregnant, because I'm pretty much built like my Mom and hers just disappeared. Until she turned 30, that is! She warned me that once the Hutchins ladies hit the big 3-0 our butts gain about that much weight. In an effort to avoid the impending badonk-a-donk, I think it's important that I at least put some effort towards making good choices for my health (not to mention my figure). I'm pretty flakey, though, so we'll see how long that lasts! Haha!