Thursday, February 21, 2008

ZOOM! Time to Graduate

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to get a little cosmetic dentistry done this year. Well, I went and had my teeth bleached at the dentist's office with this spiffy little machine called ZOOM! They basically slathered my teeth with bleach, put wax over my gums so they wouldn't get bleached too, and then sat me under the blue light three times for 15 minutes each. Ten the dentist re-shaped my front two teeth a little so they matched a little better and voila! I'm pretty happy with the results. I'm still contemplating whether I really need to straighten my bottom teeth or just go the way of Jewel and rock the crooked. I'd post a picture, but my stupid digital camera is broken. I'm too poor to buy another one because I just spent all my money getting my teeth bleached!

Yesterday Pete and I had lunch together at Einstein's Bagels, and then went across the street to the UNM bookstore and bought his graduation package. He got his robe with the neat master's degree hood, and the frame he always wanted to put his diploma in. He got a smokin' $50 off the frame for buying it with the robe. It's one of those spiffy ones with the school's crest on the acid-free border. I was thinking about it, and he's going to be graduating in May. That's just three months away! It'll be strangely nice having him home all the time, but I have a feeling I won't be watching nearly as much ANTM (that's America's Next Top Model to the lay-person) or Brett Michael's Rock of Love. I can't help myself. Those shows are my drug of choice. Pete pretty much moans until I change the channel if I try to watch them when he's here, though.

In preparation of Pete's new entry on his resume, I've been spending my free time searching the net for a new job for Pete. He loves where he's at, but realizes that there is no hope of promotion at Emcore unless his boss drops dead. We don't foresee that happening since she's in her late 20's. So, he knows he's going to have to leave if he wants to get the all-coveted rank of HR Manager (and the extra 20 grand or so that goes with it). I went online and looked up all the solar panel tech companies in the country, since he loves the one he works for now. I also looked up any and all high-tech company HR postings I could find in the Albuquerque or Phoenix areas. He also said he'd work in a medical research setting, but he knows I'll be more difficult to land one of those jobs because he has no prior experience in hospitals. He really just wants to work for a company that's on the cutting edge of something good. Pete really, insanely wants to stay in ABQ, but his chances aren't looking good if he wants to stay in his chosen fields.

We talked about it, and decided that if Pete found his dream job (like if a Fortune 100 company hires him) we would pretty much move wherever they need us to go. However, when we have kids old enough to attend school we are dropping anchor. We don't really know what's going to happen or where we're going to move next. It really all depends on his job. He wants to move up the corporate ladder, and I'm all for the big paycheck that goes along with it (his boss' boss makes $180,000!). But the only way to do that quickly is to follow the work and hope he can land something at a major corporation where there's lots of room for promotion.

Pete hates Phoenix, but I'm secretly hoping he can find something in AZ so our kids can hang with their cousins and Grannie. Phoenicians, keep your eyes peeled!